Helping aesthetics professionals grow their businesses and make more money.

Cut out the confusion and get clarity around your aesthetics career. 

Whether you’ve just made the leap to business ownership or you’re an experienced esthetican looking for more training, I got you. From aesthetics business consulting to esthetician mentoring, I love giving back to the industry that has turned my passion into a 20-year career. 

I offer three different types of business consulting, and everything is customizable. So just ask if you’re not seeing something you need.

Laura Jeannette & Co. Med Spa Consulting Agency Sales strategy consulting concierge tailored custom streamline operations systems marketing content social media instagram facebook linkedin medspa botox medical esthetics esthetic medicine sms
Sales strategy consulting concierge tailored custom streamline operations systems marketing content social media instagram facebook linkedin medspa botox medical esthetics esthetic medicine sms training education treatment plans aesthetician

Do you know your numbers? What’s your marketing strategy? How do you find the right people to work for you?

If you aren’t sure of the answer to any of these questions, you aren’t alone. When we work together, I start by listening to your goals and struggles. From there, I follow a step-by-step process to help you clear up confusion, increase sales, and build a sustainable business.  Consulting work includes:

  • Looking at your business from a holistic point of view so I can understand your market, expertise, and current practices. 

  • Assessing your protocols to ensure you’re implementing industry-leading procedures that will grow your business. 

  • Creating a customized roadmap to help you achieve your goals and make more money. Each project is customized to your needs and budget.  

Business Consulting

Ready to get clarity and increase your revenue?

Book a call today.

Medical Spa Workshops & Trainings with Laura Jeannette & Co. Sales strategy consulting concierge tailored custom streamline operations systems marketing content social media instagram facebook linkedin medspa botox medical esthetics esthetic medicine

Anyone whose worked in the aesthetics industry knows we are all busy, and there is little time for professional development. If you’re a spa owner or medical aesthetics practice manager, you want to develop your staff, but you have your hands full with running the business. So, you rely on them to do the research and get the training themselves. If you’re a growing esthetician or nurse practitioner, you want the training, but you’re busy helping clients and trying to make money.  

The problem is when you don’t invest in the proper training and education, you’re leaving money on the table. You can be profitable and still lose out on sales. But it doesn’t have to be that way, especially when you bring in the help of a 20-year industry veteran with a passion for education.  

The following education opportunities can take place at your space or mine and be customized to your needs.  

  • Masterclasses on new modalities and techniques so you can keep up with the latest trends.

  • Sales training so you and your team can sell products and services confidently.

  • Product training to eliminate confusion around ingredients and highlight product benefits. 

With my help, estheticians and NPs can step off the hamster wheel and thrive, and businesses can bring in the revenue they never thought possible.

Workshops & Training

Contact us to learn more about workshops and training. 

Business Coaching for Med Spas Sales strategy consulting concierge tailored custom streamline operations systems marketing content social media instagram facebook linkedin medspa botox medical esthetics esthetic medicine sms training education


Everyone needs a little support, right? Whether you’re a seasoned or a new esthetician, I am here for you because I am all about community over competition.  

The idea for this business started when I began mentoring fellow estheticians informally. I would listen to new estheticians about their fears and discuss career growth with more established estheticians. I know firsthand that building confidence around retail sales, product knowledge, and relationship management can take a lot. And I get the uncertainty that comes with career growth. That’s why it’s important to me to share my breadth of knowledge and be accessible to my esthi community.  

I offer the following:

  • One-on-one coaching, including a 3-month mentoring package for estheticians who want help with career growth or weekly strategy coaching for business owners. 

  • Group coaching for companies that want to support new and growing estheticians in their careers.

  • Shadow day in my medspa space so you can see exactly what I do and take it back to your place. 

Do you want to break through your fears and grow in your aesthetics career?

Let’s chat today